Chelsea Manning For Senate | Okie born in 1987

Chelsea Manning For Senate in Maryland is a headline I like to see. I would love to see her win, though I doubt that she will. Our system is set up to keep people like HER from winning. You know what I mean, normal people.

Vote! I used to think that voting was not that important. My son Christopher was unsure about voting. Here is all you need to know. VOTE everyone, it’s really important. Love you!

Reverend Chris

Chelsea Manning for senate in is something can get behind.

She is an American hero & a super bad ass in general. She was tortured & put in solitary confinement naked to try & break her. Did they? HELL NO!

She is a fighter & a patriot who wants to help the real American people & I hope she wins. If I lived in her state, I would vote for her without hesitation. Best of luck to her & keep fighting the good fight.

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