Chris Carnes Super Post 5 Random Hits

Chris Carnes Super Post is Reposted from my old blog. I got it to 100% on Rank Math.

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Pretzel Logic & the Smart Watch Chris Carnes Super Post.

I am sitting here in my home away from home: Checotah, OK. I’m pairing my smart watch because it lost connection for some reason & I got to thinking. Why are these called “smart” watches? They literally get all of their information from the phones they are connected to. All they do is shuffle the data to & from the phone.

The app in the phone is doing all of the work. So really they are dumb watches. Also, why the hell do we even need these in the first place? They basically do all of the things that your phone does anyway. They don’t really add any functionality on their own apart from notifying you if you forget your phone. Sure it shows the weather & tells you if you have a call or text, but you can look at your phone for that. And yes you can make a call on it, but that is just retarded talking into your watch.

You can access your camera remotely, which is admittedly pretty cool, but how often are you going to use that? The only real benefit from these devices is being able to look at your wrist & see the time. But that was the job of watches all along. Learn from the Chris Carnes super post and save your money.

What has happened to me since High School? Chris Carnes Super Post.

I went to college, moved out on my own, dropped out of college, got married, bought a house, had a son, lost the house, got divorced, bought another house, got a new puppy, lost my mom, got remarried, gained a stepdaughter, lost my grandfather, lost my grandmother, got divorced again, bought my first new car,

rescued my best friend from her abusive husband, wrecked my first new car, got a new puppy, bought my first truck, got married yet again, lost my dog, lost my new father in law, lost my dad, got diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, bought another new truck, watched my son graduate, got another puppy, got a daughter in law, a grandson, came out as pan (bi) sexual, had to quit work, lost another dog, lost my best friend, got another dog, got another grandson & my son is getting a divorce.
Now I have my son, my wife, 3 dogs, 2 grandsons & a fun disease and created the Chris Carnes super post. Life is good.

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Chris Carnes super post

My Babies (doggies) Chris Carnes Super Post.

If you have never felt the love & companionship of a good dog, then I feel sorry for you. Those of us who love their dogs know what I mean when I call them my babies. They love me no matter what; if I’m having a good day, bad day, sick, depressed, whatever it is, they don’t care. They just love me all the time. I have three Dachshunds & when I get home from work, they go nuts.

I have to let (Millie) the littlest one gives me a kiss, or she will bark nonstop until I do, my other mini (Zoe) shakes & whines with excitement until I pet her & the old man (Traces) follows me around until I pet him. They are genuinely excited & happy to see me, they love me.

The little one’s sleep curled up between my wife & me, they are usually sitting with one of us in the evening as we watch TV & play games. Yes, a good dog really loves you & good owners really love them back. My dogs are my babies & I would do anything I had to for them. Because I love them.

  • Strange and Mysterious Dreams Chris Carnes Super Post.

Have you ever had a dream that seemed very real? What about one that seemed to come true later on? Are you plagued by night terrors or re-occurring dreams? What does it all mean? Probably nothing, but Here are my thoughts & experiences. 

One particular dream I remember was my fiancée putting clothes from the closet into a suitcase. She left me a short while later. I didn’t realize the significance until after she was gone. GOOD RIDDANCE! I have had many “premonition” dreams during my early life, but none since I was in my thirties or so. My grandmother had them all of her life. Could be coincidences or premonitions, definitely interesting though.

I had an “alien abduction” dream that seemed so real it was horrifying. Turns out those type of dreams is a side effect of a phenomenon called “sleep paralysis”. This is brought about by the brain releasing chemicals to paralyze you, so you don’t thrash about while dreaming & beat yourself up. So, I’m not an abductee, although I did see a UFO once. Crazy stuff from the Chris Carnes super post.

When I was younger, I had many recurring nightmares about a horrible monster chasing me. I would wake up terrified & it caused me many sleep problems. Then one night, when I was a teen, I stopped in the middle of a chase & confronted my “monster”. This was the 1st time I had seen him. It was a swirling mass of black mist, roughly the size of a man. 

I held my hand up & screamed “STOP” I don’t remember the exact words, but I basically told him to leave me alone. I never saw him again until a few years ago. Now he tries to scare me & then we laugh & talk about stuff. I see him once or twice a month. Crazy right?

I have no real advice for you, as usual, but I want to tell you not to worry. Whatever dreams you have known that:

  • they basically don’t mean anything at all
  • premonitions are probably just coincidence
  • they are your dreams, take control of them
  • don’t be afraid of sleep paralysis
  • don’t read too much into them (sometimes a cigar is just a cigar) 

I recommend keeping a folder by your bed & keeping track of ALL of your dreams, even if they don’t seem important, it could be helpful & interesting later on.
origin posted 3/11/17, 12:35 AM

Finally Got Contacts – not as scary as I thought Chris Carnes Super Post.

 I did something today I never thought I would. I got contacts. Ever since my stepdaughter stuck a basting brush in my eye, I have been terrified to even put drops in my eye.

I was at optometrist to get glasses & a young girl, around 12 or so, was jumping around saying she was so happy to see. She got new contacts & I said to myself “if she can do it, so can I”.

So here I am, learning how to put them in & get them out. They are slippery little suckers.

I wore them for half the day today & loved it. Goodbye stupid glasses.

The Chris Carnes Super Post is over. If you read this far, well, I just don’t know. Here

This is a gratuitous page of nonsensical rambling & other thoughts that have no where else to live. What has my life become?

Mr. Chris A Carnes Sr, aka: Reverend Chris, Mopar Chris, PaPa Chris, dad, PaPa, Christopher, honey bunny, you get the idea…


My 1st quote

The same and similar are similar, but not the same.

My 2nd quote


1.”Render to each homo sapien his rightful appurtenances.”
2.”Please refrain from making your bowler a depository for sputum.”
3.”Avoid contumelious comportment.”
4.”Never extricate foreign matter from your proboscis.”
5.”Shield your oral aperture when forcibly expelling from the same.”
6.”Regard with deference and esteem those who are your predecessors.”  

What do they mean?

1. Give each man his due
2. Don’t spit in your hat (?)
3. Don’t act crazy
4. Don’t pick your nose
5. Cover your mouth when you sneeze
6. Respect your elders

Stop reading the Chris Carnes Super Post now. I am trying to get my SEO checker to 100%

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Everything in the Chris Carnes Super Post that follows is bunk.

RevChris cross-posting map of crap Credit the People
Cross-posting map of crap.

I copied it to the Chris Carnes Super Post from 100 Long Paragraphs for Her Copy and Paste – Relish Bay and there was no copyright listed.

I have left this world I have given up of trying to understand why Americans put up with guisada puerto rican beef stew and the tired OLD Chris Carnes Super Post politicians who do not give a shit about anyone but themselves & their rich assholes.

I can’t be evil, no matter how hard I try.

Facts about Atheists & what you need to know. Puerto Rican carne guisada The Christians seem to be confused about the facts about Atheists, so I am going to explain things. And set the record straight on the facts about Atheists carne guisada Puerto Rican beef the biggest confusion that Christians seem to have been the thought that we hate God.

WTF America, what is happening to our country? Trump is tweeting America into the toilet at the lake Wylie bass fishing league. Chris Carnes Super Post is Reposted from my old blog.

82. Life comes with its challenges, but a life with you will be perfect more than you will ever imagine. I want to spend the rest of my life loving you because that is the only Chris Carnes Super Post I can do well.

83. Today, tomorrow and forever, my love for you will remain pure because what I feel for you has been at its best. You bring me back to life each moment I see Chris Carnes Super Post around, and nothing compares to that.

84. My love for you is real, and I am sure of it. I give it with all sense of fulfillment because it is the best I’ve got to offer. You’re my sunshine and my motivation Chris Carnes Super Post. I love you forever.

85. Give me a little time, and I will love you more than I did yesterday because you are the rainbow that shows up after the rain. Life is much better with you in my life, and I love you with everything in me.

86. I’ve longed for something real and fun all my life. Loving you give me that feeling and more. Never in my life have I ever wanted the love you give to me than this period. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. 100 Long Paragraphs for Her Copy and Paste – Relish Bay

87. I want the best for you at all times, and I am ready to go the extra mile to see you smile. Your smile is amazing. It can light up the coldest hearts. The thought of Chris Carnes Super Post makes my heart bubble with fulfillment.

88. Let’s live every day like it is our last because no one knows when the last day will be. I want to show you the best of love and care now that I am breathing. You should know that you are the girl of my dreams and I love you. Chris Carnes Super Post is Reposted from my old blog.

Nobody will love you the way I do because I’ve got the best of loves that can only come from heaven. There is no approval. I am sure that I need Chris Carnes Super Post in my life this moment and forever.

Today is another bright day to remind you how much you mean to me Chris Carnes Super Post. Thank you for being in my life because I can’t explain how much it has made my day glow.

I love you more than you can imagine. Thankfully, it has come to your knowledge that I will walk miles for you without looking back. I don’t love you because I feel it; I love you because my life depends on it.

Over the years, I admire everything about you. You are an epitome of beauty and elegance. You are among my list of powerful women. I will always support you in pursuing your happiness because you mean so much to me.100 Long Paragraphs for Her Copy and Paste – Relish Bay

Angel, I count it a blessing to be with you, not in my dreams but the real world. It beats my imagination that a woman like you is mine. I am so blessed to have Chris Carnes Super Post in my life. Nobody can love me better than you do. I love you.

I love you because of who I am when I’m with you. I am more confident, happier and more energetic when you are beside me. You are the best amongst all I’ve dated before, your craziness, your jealousy, playfulness and your smiles attract me the most. I love you. My Butterfly. Chris Carnes Super Post

You make me feel like I can do anything. Thank you for being the wonderful, amazing and sweet person who you are. You surprise me every day, and you Chris Carnes Super Post warm my heart every night with your love. I am who I am today because you’ve loved and helped me to get better.

You’re so beautiful, intelligent, smart, gorgeous and wonderful. I have fallen deeply in love with you, and I’m not scared to say it. I don’t want to let you go because you are the most precious person in my life, and I am so thankful to God for sending you to me. My Jewel.100 Long Paragraphs for Her Copy and Paste – Relish Bay

97. You are more beautiful than anything I have ever set my eyes on. When you smile, every part of your face looks perfect as a summer sunset on the ocean horizon. I have seen nothing as amazing a view. When I saw you, I understood what real beauty means. I love you, baby.

Your presence in my life makes my dreams come true. You are not less of what I desire for my life; you are everything I wish for in life. Chris Carnes Super Post I love you with the whole of my heart because there is no other woman that has earned my love the way you did. My love is for you forever.

My Queen, without you by my side, I am not complete. I am so fortunate to share my world with a wonderful person like you who makes every moment memorable.

I can’t even imagine how the future would be without your love and companion. I want to grow old with you because your love is everything to me. Chris Carnes Super Post is Reposted from my old blog.

When I needed care and love, you gave me the best attention and affection. You gave me the best of love, and I want to be your man forever. I can’t appreciate you enough for always being there for me. Thank you for your unconditional love. I cherish you forever.

waking up each day, I realize how lucky I am to have you. Being with you is the best thing ever. Thank you for being part of my life.100 Long Paragraphs for Her Copy and Paste – Relish Bay

Chris Carnes Super Post can never appreciate you enough for everything you have done in my life. I want to be the reason behind your beautiful face that glows with a smile every morning. Good morning, my princess.

Good morning, sweetheart. You are all that I want and need in a woman. And yea, I love other people, but none of them will ever mean as much as you are to me. I do not think often, but when I do, all I think of is you.

The night ended yesterday, it’s morning, and it brings another day. May you notice the beauty of the morning, see the glory of the sunshine. Feel the moment of the day and hear from one who makes you. Good morning, babe.

Good morning my princess! The queen of my heart, you are my strength when I’m weak, my lover, my best friend. When I look back at How Far We’ve Come, I don’t think I can feel this way about any other woman. You have become a virtual part of my life. Chris Carnes Super Post

Many beautiful things are walking to welcome you to this new day you have woken up to let the morning see your beautiful smile and energetic activities. Have a wonderful morning, darling.

Arise and shine, honey! I like the sunshine in the morning because it reminds me of how bright you have made my life. My mornings have turned into happy beginnings. You are the last thing I thought about last night before sleeping and the first thing that came to my mind as I woke up this morning. You are my sunshine and my light.

You make everything feel all right. I’m so lucky to have you. You are beautiful in and out. This morning I want to let you know that I am nothing without you, and I love every bit of you. Good morning, have a lovely day. Chris Carnes Super Post is Reposted from my old blog.

Wake up, sleepyhead. This morning reminds us how lucky and blessed we are to see another day. I am super blessed to see another day and to be with someone as amazing as you are. I don’t know what your plans are for the day, but I know great things awaits you on this day. Thanks for making me feel loved every day. I love you so much because you are my everything. Good morning, babe.

Good morning, angel. Ever since I met you, I now look forward to every morning. The thought of you never leaves my heart because you inspire me more than the beauty of the sun and gladden my heart more than anything you can imagine. Baby, it is you or nobody else. I couldn’t have asked for a better woman.

Good morning, my love.

Words can’t describe how I feel about you. You make me feel perfect, and you make me eager for the morning Chris Carnes Super Post is Reposted from my old blog. because your face brightens my day. The afternoon is even more beautiful when you step your feet on the sand.

Being with you is the best decision I’ve ever made. Wherever you are, that’s where I want to be. I wish you a very accomplished day, and never forget that I love you.

I couldn’t wait for dawn because you were all on my mind throughout the night. When I’m with you, I feel distracted, and even when I’m not with you, I still get distracted thinking about you. You light up my world, and having you in my life is more than a blessing to me.

I don’t want to imagine my life without you. So as the day begins, I hope it brings forth good and wonderful things in your life because you deserve them. I miss you, and I can’t wait to see your beautiful face again. Good morning, sweetheart.

The mere thought of you brings a smile to my face and joy to my heart. You are a rare gem, and sometimes I wonder if I deserve someone as sweet as you are. You are my strength, my every day motivation to stay strong and push harder. Your face is pretty, but your heart is even more adorable. I will love you, cherish and adore you for as long as I live.

On this morning, I pray that God stays with you, guide your way, and bless you in the way you least expect. Have a day as wonderful as yourself. I love you now, tomorrow, and forever. Good morning, baby.100 Long Paragraphs for Her Copy and Paste – Relish Bay

Even though the sun brightens the day and lights up everyone’s mood, it doesn’t affect me because you are the sun that brightens my day Chris Carnes Super Post is Reposted from my old blog. and light up my mood. Yea, every day is a blessing, but I feel more blessed to wake up and find myself next to you.

Chris Carnes Super Post is Reposted from my old blog. The sight of your adorable self every morning makes me fall in love with you repeatedly. My love for you grows with the passing of a brand new day, very fresh and true. Good morning, dearie. Your day will be amazing.

On this day,

I sincerely wish that luck shines brightly on you. May every step you take today to yield positive results. Always remember you are a unique creature who has a special place in my heart. I love you, and all I wish for you today is the best. Have a pleasant day, my adorable queen.

A very nice gift I heartily appreciate is waking up next to an angel. You complete me in every way. Your presence in my life has healed every past wound in my heart. If I’m not the luckiest man on earth, I wonder who is. As the day breaks today, I hope you get an overdose of happiness, and your plans for the day turn out good. Enjoy your day, dearie. I love you better than I did yesterday.

eing with you has positively changed a lot about me, and everything is now different. You live in my heart, and when I lay down on my bed, Chris Carnes Super Post is Reposted from my old blog. I can’t stop my mind from thinking about you. Everything I see this morning has me reminiscing on our beautiful memories.

I’ve never been to heaven, but I think being with you might be the same as being in heaven. There might have been a lot of ladies in my past, but you are the best of them. You are unique in every way. The connection between our hearts is stronger than magic. I’m sure the word “Love” exists only because of us. You will have a wonderful day ahead. Good morning, sweetheart.

The day begins at the rise of the sun, but my day starts when you wake up because you stand as the sun in my life. You brighten my day and lighten my mood. I could feel you opening this message with a huge smile on your face, so I guess my day has just begun. My love for you is beyond description. Have a super great day, my sunshine. Chris Carnes Super Post is Reposted from my old blog.

I can’t stop thanking God for the wonderful gift he sent to me. You are an angel I spent an eternity looking for until God brought you close to me, and I found you. You are just so simple and sweet, pure, and daring with all your heart. Life without you is unimaginable. I hope you think of me as much as I think of you. Have a wonderful day ahead of you.

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