The Christians seem to be confused about us atheists, so I am going to explain things & set the record straight. The biggest confusion that Christians seem to have is the thought that we hate God. Well here is the truth about that statement, we do not hate your God,...
Thoughts on Religion
According to the Bible (yes YOUR king James Bible) this is number of deaths that the two main dieties; “God” & “Satan” are responsible for. GOD 2.27 million+, Satan 10(not million,just 10) This list does not include the deaths in the flood, first born males during Passover or Sodom &...
Cults always get busted in the end. Why, because they are cults! With these 10 simple steps your cult can stay out of the government cross-hairs. Don’t have sex with underage girls. Don’t make sex with a leader or person a requirement to join the cult. Don’t have more than...